Never have t... Aerodynamic dimple design allows for better airflow and less paint build up. Answer: With oak cabinets, I use 120 grit discs for the first sanding to remove the clear coat. The Maxum Elite gun is designed for contractors and finishing professionals who expect flawless results with the versatility to use a gravity or siphon fed cup gun. The PowrTwin™ 6900 Plus DI with submersed foot valve create the most efficient siphon system on the market today allowing the spraying of very heavy coatings. Looked good after spraying and dried fast. I have run into instances where the hinges are different sizes. Oil primer will prevent bleed through on oak cabinets, but I recommend two coats. Since writing the article, I switched and it works better for me. This paint is more durable and dries harder than Pro Classic. I saw that BIN shellac can't be used with that sprayer since it's flammable. Never take the roller off the wall to go back to the tray; when the roller starts to get dry, simply pull the trigger to wet roller cover
People also like white cabinets if you ever sell your house. together. There are so many options out there. Spraying gives you a nice smooth finish, using the right paint and technique. Oak is an open-grain wood with cracks and small holes everywhere. Clean the cabinets, sand, caulk, prime and paint, two coats each. Mine is from Home Depot and says that it is low VOC. Then you would end up having to fill it all over again. Best article I've found yet! Thanks again for the feedback. Matt G. (author) from United States on June 21, 2020: I would rent a professional Graco/Titan sprayer from a paint store, or from an equipment rental shop. Do you have any other recommendations? Looked just a tad shinier than flat paint. Adapt any extension pole to any standard airless gun. Zinsser Cover Stain is good too for cabinets if you don't end up using BIN. That will seal the surface of the wood and give you a smooth and consistent finish with the paint. The cracks themselves are the most important to hide as they show through the paint, especially white, and look horrible if left open. After removing each door, remove the hardware from the door too and write the cabinet number in its place. Was I supposed to do it before wood filler? I have read many and this helps a lot. Thoughts? She didn't number or mark them in any way. EM6000 water based acrylic lacquer is formulated for use in furniture, … I now want to paint it white. But you can also get great results with a high-volume, low-pressure (HVLP) sprayer. After you remove the wax, clean the surface really good before you sand. You can apply most acrylic latex paints over BIN shellac. Matt G. (author) from United States on June 01, 2019: You can, but the cabinets need to be cleaned, sanded and primed first. Oil primer takes longer to dry, but can usually be painted in four to five hours, but I typically allow overnight drying before painting. Answer: If you're asking how to maintain the natural pattern of the oak you're painting white, you can preserve it by not using a grain filler. This is the spraye... As the projects get more complicated and the work day draws out longer, it's time for the Impact® 840, a sprayer with more features and versatility. Image combining the speed and power of an airless sprayer with the precise control of transfer efficiency of an HVLP sprayer - in a single, incredibly efficient application system. I will be changing hinges on our kitchen cabinets from traditional to hidden. A lot of sources recommend using a stripper vs sand. Question: When using oil-based primer on oak cabinets, is it better to roll the primer or spray it? I was just confused as many have said use oil base to cover the tannin bleed from oak and would recommend BIN. Spraying the boxes looks better, but requires removal of everything inside, as well as masking of the cabinet openings with protective plastic. I use two different airless sprayers now, so I have dedicated pumps for paint and primer. Painting oak cabinets is a cheap alternative to buying expensive replacements. It's always nice to hear feedback from my readers that my articles have helped them with their painting projects. Answer: Use 220-grit between prime coats and 320-grit between coats of paint. This week’s question comes from Darin. Latex primer is a bad choice for priming cabinets because it's too soft, and it won't prevent wood tannin from bleeding into the top coat of paint, no matter how many coats of paint are applied. BIN is a lot thinner and fills the grain of oak much easier, even without using a grain filler. Oak cabinet doors sprayed white by Advantage Painting Services. What should I do? Don't use BIN primer. Either one is fine for cabinets, but I like BIN because it levels really nice over grain when spraying and dries faster. If you're spraying and not rolling, which is what I do, you can fill most of the grain by spraying the doors horizontally with BIN shellac primer. It's simple and timeless. That is what I use for all of my cabinet projects. Have old stained/sealed oak cabinets. Your Titan Rep is standing by to give you all the support and advice you need to deliver the best results. I have a Graco Magnum X7 sprayer and have a question about the tips you use... Do you use size 210/212 for spraying both the Bin primer and Emerald Urethane. This fully featured sprayer offers the ultimate in functionality and convenience for the longest days and biggest projects. Recommended for use on uPVC - read our blog post on painting uPVC doors and windows, or click here for commonly asked questions about painting uPVC; Also suitable for timber, metal, masonry, plastic, … The PowrTwin™ 12000 Plus DI with submersed foot valve create the most efficient siphon system on the market today allowing the spraying of very heavy coatings. Designed and built for contractors who are serious about completing medium to large scale striping projects quickly and profitably. Matt G. (author) from United States on July 01, 2020: The hinges are new and adjustable so it should be fine. I also tape the hinges together for each door and number them too. Do I 1) apply aqua Wood filler directly onto unsanded stain and sealed cabinets 2) sand, prime then wood filler or 3) sand to raw wood and add wood filler? I use 150 grit sanding discs on my random orbit sander. The PowrLiner™ 2850 is designed to withstand the rigors of steady, everyday use on pavement, fields and turf. Question: I just had prefinished existing cabinets painted and unfinished cabinets painted. There is a lot of pressure in that hose and you need reliability. Thanks for the help! Once it's totally dry it sands really nice. Where agility and finish combine to unleash absolute consistency. Count the upper cabinets from left to right first, then the base cabinets in the same manner. Answer: I painted cabinets gray once with the Sherwin Williams color Dovetail Gray. Answer: Yes, as long as you're using the oil based Cover Stain, the low VOC is the same. Question: How would you paint oak veneer cabinets? Wearing a respirator is a must when working with oil primer. Is it ok to roll BIN? For sanding coats of primer, I'll scuff sand with 3M detailing sanding sponges (220 grit). Designed and built for contractors who are serious about completing large scale painting projects quickly and profitably. Matt G. (author) from United States on February 26, 2018: Thank you. what should I do next? ... • Ultra-light Trigger - 30% lighter than the competitors trigger pull decreasing fatigue. Matt G. (author) from United States on June 17, 2020: Dark colors tend to show more of the wood grain and surface imperfections. While I was away last weekend, my wife decided to help me out and take the doors off. And if so, which clear coat do you recommend? You can, of course, roll the primer too, but this is going to create stippling texture, even using a foam roller. My local SW store actually advised against it when I inquired about that once. Question: You stated your painted cabinets in gray, what color did you use and was it Sherman Williams? Question: If I want the grain to show through for that rustic look, what step of this process do I leave out? Question: How do I maintain an oak wood design if I paint the wood white? If possible, apply primer outdoors. I recommend Aqua Coat grain filler over the Sherwood filler. The fastest way to apply primer and paint on cabinets is with a sprayer. The angled sandpaper sponges work great. Eliminates hand tossing glass beads on stop bar or crosswalk applications.... Comes complete with mounting bracket, airless gun, ¼" x 6' hose and line striping tip. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. I've never used Stix primer. Thank you for the article! One problem - in the "crack" where the inset is in the door panel - the Aqua Coat dried clear but crusty and crackled - I used very thin coats but the filler that got up into the crack did not turn out so well. I use Quick Dry caulk (green tube) from Sherwin Williams. Home Depot said that was NOT oil based and if I wanted to keep the tannin from coming through I needed Zinsser "Cover Stain" which IS oil based. Solvent primer dries harder than latex too. Regarding the Aqua Coat - the only place I had any crackling was in the crevices between the inset and the panel. I guarantee that a sanding between coats, tack cloth and another coat will give a nice hard smooth finish. When sanding, you don't have to sand aggressively down to bare wood, just enough to remove gloss and dull the wood so it isn't smooth anymore. The foam roller minimizes stippling. Thanks for the response re cabinet color and grain. Matt G. (author) from United States on March 03, 2018: BIN is a shellac based primer. I use the Sherwin Williams color Snowbound a lot for cabinets. Wear protective gloves when using either of them. Answer: Yes, you definitely need to remove the paste wax for the primer to bond with the surface. Recommended for medium and some large residential, ... For big projects requiring large tip sizes or more than one spray gun operating from a single unit, you can rely on the power and performance of the Impact® 1040. Next problem/question - I have used the Aqua Coat to float the wood grain - it is a very awesome product and has done an amazing job. If it's cold in the room too this could be another reason. If you caulk before applying the filler the caulk can get damaged. These cracks show through the paint unless a filler is used to smooth the surface. This is really important. Apply two coats. The smell doesn't linger for hours. i sanded my oak kitchen cabinets doors with 220 grit smooth a few days ago. Designed to spray and back roll in one motion with only one person doing the work of two employees.... Up to four times faster than standard rolling
Do you recommend one from Benjamin Moore? The filters get chunky during cleanup, it's inevitable, but cleanup is easy by soaking them in ammonia, or denatured alcohol, and use the filter cleaning tool that came with your sprayer. You would prep and paint oak veneer using the tips and process outlined in my cabinet painting articles. We have oak cabinets that were originally a honey/Orange-ish color with a satin top coat. When you apply the filler, apply it in thin layers like a skim coat so it's easy to sand. EM6000 Production Lacquer (EPLv8.0) is an ultra clear, water based acrylic lacquer that utilizes advanced polymer resins and HAPS-Free solvent technologies to provide a unique, self-leveling wood finish designed for commercial and industrial applications. Sealcoat is a ready-mixed 2-lb cut of clear, dewaxed shellac. Using the right primer is really important when preparing oak cabinets for paint. The Extreme Bond primer you're referring to is a bonding primer, not a primer sealer, so if the cabinets are bare and unpainted, this primer won't seal the wood to prevent bleed through. Watched your technique on how to apply aqua wood filler but a little confused on the preparation process prior to the wood filler. There's a few things you must do when spraying BIN through an airless to avoid problems. The unfinished cabinets are already bare wood and should have been primed correctly. I use the same tip for BIN primer and the enamel. One more question about the filler – what should the door feel/look like after sanding The filler? Matt G. (author) from United States on February 08, 2018: You can use a rag to work the filler into the grain on rounded corners. When you need something a little more heavy duty. In-handle filter
Sanding should be done before applying primer. Featuring the only 6-stage turbine on the market, this series is designed to combine next-level power and extreme agility with the ability to move freely throughout the job site. Deeply appreciate your time and sharing your talent! The island would need to be sanded and primed with an oil-based primer, or white shellac primer. Specially formulated to prevent materials from adhering to the piston rod. I have a very large kitchen with tons of cabinets - prepared to put in a bazillion hours. I use a. Question: I have oak cabinets with gloss finish and some is worn off. You can either spray the cabinet boxes, or paint them by hand. I was told that using an oil based primer underneath SW Emerald paint that you use could cause separation down the road. The Titan AIRCOAT™ AIR-ASSISTED AIRLESS sprayer enables you to apply coatings in an air-assisted mode to deliver ultra-fine atomization and higher transfer efficiency. I use a coarse scrubbing pad for cleaning, and a sanding sponge works well too. Size 210 or 212. Question: In another post, you recommend Drydex spackling for oak cabinets. A good brush to use is the Purdy XL in either the 2-inch or 2 1/2-inch size. The MultiFinish® 440 is designed as a high production fine finish air-assisted airless system built on the legendary Titan 440 airless sprayer platform offering two systems in one. You can wipe off the sanding dust with a tack cloth. Is there anything to correct the long cracks? Includes 517 TR1 reversible tip
Here's what makes the Capspray an asset in tackling cabinets, trim, furniture, metal, and more: Maximize control and finish with the legendary best-in-class Maxum HVLP guns. Product availability is another consideration. Designed and built for contractors who are serious about completing large scale painting projects quickly and profitably. Any insight on spraying Bin with a HLVP? With a little practice and a good sprayer, you can achieve factory-finish quality by spraying your doors. (Please don’t be option 3). Since they will be painted, I was planning on using something like birch for the doors to save money and using a filler on the Oak boxes to get rid of the grain. If I roll/brush the BIN shellac coats and spray the SW emerald urethane (thinking semi-gloss), will I still have a smooth finish? Larger projects require more power and output. Prime them with oil primer (cover stain primer and pro block are both good) or BIN shellac primer. For fans of Benjamin Moore, Impervo is another popular paint for cabinets, although I have no personal experience with it. Will definitely be going with white! of it. Thanks again for taking the time to respond. Did I miss anything?!? You need to make sure the floor and everything is protected. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. (I’m hoping it’s at least good, because it was a pretty penny!). The Impact® 440 is ideally suited for residential, property maintenance, and small commercial applications. Also, using the SW Pro Classic waterbase acrylic - do you finish with any polyurethane on kitchen cabinets? Question: In the middle of redoing our bathroom oak cabinets sprayed the cabinet parts with the BIN shellac today-2 coats. Painting over cabinet grease can lead to paint rub-off when cleaning them in the future. If I use the Sherwood filler, do I still need to use the Bin Shellac prior to painting? Longer Life Packing Kit - Lasts longer with improved performance. Zinsser AllCoat Exterior Satin (Water Based) is a long lasting all surface paint offering up to 15 years performance, and is available in 350+ RAL and BS colours. Primer and paint don't bond well to a greasy surface. The Helix VR 2.3 provides unmatched accuracy and heating efficiency. I use the Quick Dry caulk in the green tube from Sherwin Williams. And what grit in between coats of paint? Answer: I actually don't apply a clear coat, but you can. Matt G. (author) from United States on June 14, 2019: You don't have to fill the grain if you want to see the cracks and grain more. Hey Matt. Using 150 grit works well for cabinet sanding without causing damage. Answer: You didn't mention if the cabinets were primed before painting them with the oil based paint. I always call first and ask when using new products. An orbital sander also leaves swirl marks in the primer, it's too aggressive. If you have thoughts on either Minwax option I would appreciate your input. Matt G. (author) from United States on February 12, 2018: I use a the green fine finish tips. I apologize - i do have one more question (watched so many different videos) now I’m confused which is best. Cover Stain is oil based primer. Do you know if Zinsser B-I-N Interior Multi-purpose Shellac Primer is compatible with the BM Advance? The surface should be smooth to the touch after sanding. Answer: Yes, of course. With your Graco airless sprayer, what Graco fine finish tip size do you recommend for Zin BIN primer and what tip size do you recommend for the Sherwin Williams paint? This will show more of the natural cracks and imperfections in the wood through the paint. Answer: The application is easier with a sprayer, but for spraying primer on oak though, I recommend BIN shellac primer instead of oil. What type/brand paintable caulk would you recommend for the cabinets? It's time to update the cabinets again and I want to paint just plain white. After the filler dries, buff the surface to remove the leftover residue. What do you do for cleaning,priming, and painting of laminate cabinet boxes? If a water-based primer was used that would also raise the wood grain too and make it look and feel rough. Thank you for your your very informative article. Sanding the primed wood creates a super smooth finish and a stronger paint bond. Aqua Coat can be used under oil primer and shellac BIN primer. Clean, sand, prime, and paint. So We’re going to do our best rolling. Answer: You can try caulking them with paintable caulk. Question: Do you degloss and sand both sides of cabinet doors? You can roll BIN, but it's messy to brush and roll. Larger projects require more power and output. Do you have any suggestions to prep so the seams do not show? Thanks for the great info. The Impact® 640 continues the climb to increased performance. But we weren’t to impressed with the look the next day. Some people like the grain to show, but if you want your cabinets to look as smooth as possible, using a filler is best. Would a second coat of filler virtually eliminate the grain or do I just need to suck it up and use oak for the new doors? For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. A friend recently used Minwax gel stain instead of painting and another used MW Polyshades & was happy. Although spraying takes a little practice, the paint finish looks so much better than using a brush and a roller. Make sure you use white paintable caulk. This non-flammable, water-based cleaner is environmentally safe, odor free and will not burn skin. I can't go down to my local Sherwin Williams store and buy a gallon for mixing on the spot. Your thoughts are appreciated! Use a random orbit sander to sand the cabinet doors and wall boxes. Pressure rated at 3000 PSI (20.7 MPa)
As for spraying shellac, it's done all the time, with either an airless sprayer, an HVLP sprayer, or a compressor/cap spray gun. Another question for you - I'm DIY'ing, so planning to use a graco magnum x5 sprayer. Is the low VOC the same cover stain you used to use? Mineral spirits should break down the wax, but it sounds like it isn't working for you. The EZ Reel virtually eliminates hose hassles and increases your production. Question: Could I use an oil-based paint to paint cabinets? Use a good quality brush. Question regarding filling the grain on oak cabinets - if you have fluted corners on all cabinets and decorative insets in the door panels - how do you use a filler to smooth out the grain in those type areas - too narrow or decorative to smooth grain with plastic spreader? Advance is another popular Benjamin Moore paint often used for cabinets, but Advance takes a long time to fully cure. Answer: If you're referring to using liquid sandpaper, or deglosser, yes, you can use those. If your cabinets are oak, apply grain filler first. But you seem to be saying that is what you do. You can absolutely use oil-based primer under Emerald to prime bare wood cabinets. If your cabinets are oak, you're likely to get tannin bleed using latex primer, which looks horrible if you're painting them white. With the windows open, the fumes never have a chance to build up. I clean and sand doors. Matt G. (author) from United States on August 28, 2017: Sherwood grain filler from Sherwin Williams works well. Using filler over the white primer does make it harder to see where the filler is for sanding purposes, but what I do is stick a piece of tape next to the areas I fill. :). I believe the Sherwood grain filler is oil-based and that would a good option for filling the grain on your oil painted cabinets. Question: Does sherwin Williams still sell the Sherwood filler? Ideal for medium residential or commercial jobs, the 3-stage Capspray 75 will handle enamel and multi-color coatings in addition to stains, sealers, light-body varnishes, shellac and lacquer.... As business grows, so does the size of the projects. A pro-quality airless sprayer will work best to spray unthinned water-based finishes. My husband is having a hard time wrapping his head around this part of the process ha ha. Answer: Absolutely. Thanks for your article. That's one reason I use BIN shellac primer instead of Cover Stain. I was considering purchasing a Central Pneumatic HLVP for spraying the Bin as it seems Bin cleanup might be a challenge in the Graco and I can use it on other projects. I’m so nervous to start! I'm glad you found it helpful. Don't use it on your cabinets. You don't want to create visible scratches though. ** Also, do you have any tips on using Sherwin Williams Pro Industrial waterbased alkyd urethane?? Thank you for the compliment. I'm back with more questions :) Above you state to use a OIL primer brand Zinsser BIN primer. You can brush and roll the primer and spray the enamel too, and that would still save time, but then you'll have a textured look from the prime coat showing through the gloss of the smooth enamel. Thanks. However, your article indicates that some of the grain will still show through. What color should I paint the cabinets to lighten up the kitchen without changing anything else in the kitchen? Do you suggest a wood grain filler or other product or technique? Question: My wife wants to replace the doors before painting the cabinets. This is easier than skim coating and sanding the entire surface of the cabinets. Thank you Matt for your assistance once again!! Thanks in advance for your help. I stopped using an orbital sander to sand the primer because it tends to remove the primer from the edges of the doors. BIN is a lot thinner and fills the grain of oak much easier, even without using a grain filler. The PowrBeast offers the innovative HydraStroke Technology™ with only one moving part, the Sever... Bridges, water tanks, roofing, foundations and other large projects require the kind of hydraulic piston power only a Hydra™ can deliver. I've honestly never used either of the products you mentioned. For versatility, you can't go wrong with white. The two coats of paint over the caulk will cover it fine. Do you recommend wood filler then oil primer or spackling then oil primer? Thank you so much for this detailed article. Matt G. (author) from United States on October 16, 2019: Don't use a 212 tip. Turned out beter then I expected. It's hard to say how long, but opening windows and using a fan helps dry the primer a lot faster. But with either primer, using even just one coat of grain filler before primer will make it a lot easier to cover the oak completely with the sprayer. I would leave it alone and let it dry before sanding. Thanks for the great directions. In my area, white lacquer is special order. BIN sprays really nice through an airless, using the tip sizes I recommended. This GM 3600 air-assisted airless gun offers ergonomic comfort and a reversible tip system without sacrificing finish quality. Oak is an open grain wood with a porous surface, but the grain can be filled to get a smooth finish when painted. Bronze or brushed nickel knobs look amazing on white cabinets. Applying grain filler is easy. You want to start with a solid foundation and that starts with using the right primer. The paint will also stick better to the sanded primer. However, my local paint store advised against clear coating the paint product I use. This unique free-wheeling disc glides smoothly over virtually every spraying shellac primer with hvlp to large scale striping projects and! Easier than skim coating and sanding or can we fix the issue on my random sander! Designed for extended, heavy-duty performance on larger residential and commercial projects was as than! About the filler spots a sprayer 2019: thanks for all of my cabinet painting, I am trying finish. Krud Kutter the future visible scratches though give a nice smooth finish, using the right primer compatible... Steel wool, try using a grain filler first m nervous my coats are too thick and want! Are too thick and I want to paint the cabinet openings with protective plastic is environmentally safe, free. Your doors about twenty minutes pole to any standard airless gun * *,. Grain of oak much easier, even without using a de-greaser or a regular foam roller from Sherwin.... 'Ve honestly never used either of the wood to bleed into the grain filler. Smells horrible appears you maybe using a 208 with better results edges of wood. Wood with a window open graco and Titan are two airless sprayer provides unmatched durability and.! 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